
Professionals with years of experience, who like what they do and are involved in the community.

Francisco Torres

Development and systems

Technical Engineer in Computer Systems and Bachelor in Media Studies. His first jobs were technical support in research projects at the University of Granada and systems administration in a media company.

In 2009, he started collaborating in a non-profit project using WordPress 2.8 and, in 2012, he became a freelancer under the brand GIGA4 where he does consulting and web development specialized in WordPress for large and small brands.

He has been actively involved in the WordPress community since 2012, giving talks, collaborating on translations, giving workshops on plugins, organizing WordPress Meetups and the WordCamps Granada 2018, Granada 2019 and Europe 2019.

In addition, since 2023 he is a member of the WordPress plugin team, maintaining the official WordPress software repository with more than 60,000 active plugins. This contribution is made possible thanks to a sponsorship by Siteground.

Member nº 533 of the Col-legi Oficial d’Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Catalunya.

He enjoys technology, electronics, cycling, swimming and closing karaokes.

He has lived several seasons in Berlin (Germany). Currently enjoying Granada (Spain)

He speaks Spanish, English and can read basic German.

Roberto Vazquez

Consulting and development

Graduated in computer application development in 2001. Began his working life as a developer in ASP web-oriented technologies.

In 2007 he started working on PHP + SQL technologies and specialized in WordPress, since version 2.6 (2008).

He is actively involved in the WordPress community since 2012, giving talks, attending WordCamps in Spain, Europe and Southeast Asia, helping in translation teams, and organizing WordPress Meetups and WordCamp Valladolid 2020.

He has lived for 4 years in Vienna (Austria), 3 years in Düsseldorf (Germany) and 3 years in Shanghai (China). Currently enjoying Valladolid (Spain).

He speaks Spanish, English, German and some Chinese.