
Who we are.

We are GIGA4, a company whose corporate name is: GIGAFOX, SL, the CIF is: B88202106 and the registered office is at: CALLE INFANTA BEATRIZ, 4, Piso 5, Puerta BI – 18004 – GRANADA, SPAIN.

We are registered in the commercial registry with a deed of incorporation in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, in Volume 38203, Folio 45, Sheet M-679776, with 2nd entry as a result of the change of address, it is currently registered in the Mercantile Registry of Granada in Volume 1713, Folio 23, Sheet GR-54012.

The addresses of our websites are:,, and

To communicate with us you can contact us at

This website strictly complies with the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD). It also complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons (RGPD), as well as with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI).

General conditions of use

Our website has the function of informing you about our consulting and development services specialized in WordPress, as well as sharing our knowledge with the community through the blog, specific information through our documentation, sharing private information during the hiring process or during the provision of our services, as well as a way to contact our team.

These General Terms and Conditions govern the use (including mere access) of the web pages comprising the GIGA4 websites, including the content and services made available on them. Any person accessing the GIGA4 website (“user”) agrees to be bound by the General Terms and Conditions in force at any given time on the portal:

Personal data we collect

At GIGA4 we care about privacy, you have all the information about it in our Privacy Policy.

Conditions of access and use

Access to the website and the public information contained therein is free of charge. Access to this website does not in any way constitute the beginning of a business relationship with GIGA4.

The user guarantees the authenticity and timeliness of all data provided to GIGA4 and undertakes to use the website, its services and contents without infringing current legislation, good faith and public order.

The user expressly agrees to make appropriate use of the contents and services of GIGA4 and not to use them for, among others:

  • Disseminate criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, terrorist apology or, in general, contrary to law or public order.
  • Introduce computer viruses into the network or carry out actions likely to alter, spoil, interrupt or generate errors or damage to electronic documents, data or physical and logical systems of GIGA4 or third parties; as well as hinder the access of other users to the website and its services through the massive consumption of computer resources through which GIGA4 provides its services.
  • Attempt to access other users’ email accounts or restricted areas of GIGA4’s or third parties’ computer systems and, where appropriate, extract information.
  • Infringe intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as violate the confidentiality of GIGA4’s or third parties’ information.
  • Impersonate the identity of any other user.
  • Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available to, or any other form of public communication, transform or modify the contents, unless authorized by the holder of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
  • Collect data for advertising purposes and to send advertising of any kind and communications for sales or other commercial purposes without prior request or consent.
  • Carry out actions that could damage the image, interests and/or rights of GIGA4 or third parties.

Exclusion of warranties and liability for access and use

GIGA4 does not grant any warranty and is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that may be caused by:

  • Access to all contents, nor their completeness, correctness, validity or timeliness, nor their suitability or usefulness for a specific purpose.
  • The use that each user makes of the materials made available on this website and the actions carried out on the basis of the same.
  • Illegal, negligent, fraudulent or contrary to this Legal Notice.
  • The presence of viruses or other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in computer systems, electronic documents or user data.
  • The use of external links on this website.

Safety measures

The personal data communicated by the user to GIGA4 may be stored in automated or non-automated databases, whose ownership corresponds exclusively to GIGA4, which assumes all the technical, organizational and security measures that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information contained therein in accordance with the provisions of current data protection regulations.

Communication between users and GIGA4 uses a secure channel, and the data transmitted is encrypted using the https protocol.

This website is maintained by professional technicians to apply all available security and prevention measures to avoid intrusion, compromise and/or leakage of data.

You can learn more about our security measures in our Privacy Policy.

Conflict resolution platform

We make available to users the dispute resolution platform provided by the European Commission, which is available at the following link:

Intellectual and industrial property rights

Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including making available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of GIGA4, are expressly prohibited. The user undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by GIGA4.

The user knows and accepts that the entire website, including but not limited to text, software, content (including structure, selection, arrangement and presentation thereof), images, audiovisual material and graphics, is protected by trademarks, copyrights and other legitimate rights, in accordance with international treaties to which Spain is a party and other property rights and laws of Spain.

GIGA4 declares its respect for the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties, therefore, if the user or a third party considers that this site may be violating their rights, please contact us indicating: Personal data of the holder of the allegedly infringed rights, the protected contents and their location on the website.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This Legal Notice and the provision of information society services that materializes with this website shall be interpreted in light of the laws applicable in Spain.

For the resolution of conflicts that may arise from the use of this website, the User agrees to submit to the courts and tribunals of the city of Granada (Spain), expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to him/her.


Should any user have any questions about these Terms and Conditions or any comments about the portal, please contact

This legal notice was last modified on January 31, 2023.